
Showing posts from March, 2018

15 Beginner Lifting Tips

15 tips So before I go into these 15 tips, I want you all to know that these are tips based off of my experience of lifting and what I knew and should have known when I first started out. Others will have different views and opinions on the tips a give or what ones I may have left out so don’t think that these are like the 10 commandments to beginner lifters, but this will definitely get you going down the right path. 1. Wrists straight when benching or with any upward lifting motion The reason I emphasize this is because I see a lot of beginner lifters with their wrists almost at a 90 degree angle while doing something like bench press or dumbbell press. It’s going to put yourself at risk and will damage your wrist joints. 2. The use of lifting belts and their purpose This I see being used in almost all the wrong ways with the exception of the correct usage of them. Belts are for maxing out or when you are doing three reps or less. In better